Turistico company helps and support Ucraine groups with travel needs within our region of Central Europe. Our infrastructure and management capabilities are widely open to get groups as closes possible to the eastern border of Europe Union and the same oposite direction to get people to safe. Slava Ukraini!
Good morning everyone, about a year ago we wrote that the engine of tourism is going to start after several months of worldwide lockdown. This time we dare say it again but hope we are not wrong again. At the moment we feel that travel world is waking up and we intesify comunication with our
Buenos días, nos alegramos mucho de poder transmitiros buenas noticias: las restricciones vinculadas con la enfermedad Covid-19 se estan soltando. Las fronteras de los países de Centro Europa se pueden cruzar sin problemas, los hoteles y restaurantes estan abiertos, las atracciones turísticas tambien. Comienza la época post-covid y significa que nuestra operativa esta completamente preparada
Advice and recommendations to travel again safely Security measures At Turistico we’re present in more destinations in more than 6 countries around the Central Europe, which means that security measures aren’t always going to be the same. In some places strict measures will be necessary, and in others, less so. Despite these differences, all these destinations have the common denominator