TURISTICO CoVid-19 prevention programme

Advice and recommendations to travel again safely

Security measures

At Turistico we’re present in more destinations in more than 6 countries around the Central Europe, which means that security measures aren’t always going to be the same. In some places strict measures will be necessary, and in others, less so.

Despite these differences, all these destinations have the common denominator that the safety of our travelers is put first and that every effort is made so that the experience of our clients is not affected by these measures. Some examples of the security measures implemented for the safe execution of Turistico’s tours are as follows:

  • Strict control of the health and temperature of guidesbefore and after the guided tour and/or excursion.
  • Reduced group size on guided toursand/or excursions to allow for a social distance of two metres.
  • Obligatory use of masks and gloves throughout the tour. In some cases it will be the guide who offers this material for free to the clients.
  • On excursions, a reduction in the capacity of the buses and/or minibusesto guarantee social distance, and exhaustive cleaning of the vehicle before and after the excursion.
  • Pre-disinfected radios and headphones so the guide can be heard at an even greater distance.
  • No printed material which could be contaminated will be handed out (maps, booklets, brochures etc).

These safety measures are just some examples of the measures which are being implemented, although not all of these will be simultaneously implemented in all of our activities: they will be adapted to the health needs of each region, and always subject to the approval of the corresponding official bodies.


Advice and Recommendations

Before travelling

The first, and probably most important recommendation is that anyone presenting symptoms of the coronavirus should not even think about travelling. If there is even the slightest probability that you are infected with COVID-19 please contact the health authorities so that they can indicate the steps to follow depending on the symptoms present.

If you are showing no symptoms, and you can embark on your trip safely, it’s vitally important to take careful care of hygiene, washing your hands often with soap, and wearing a homologated mask in public places.

Therefore, it’s important to pack enough masks for the whole trip, alcoholic hand gel (which can be replaced with water and soap when you don’t have these to hand), and a thermometer so you can check your temperature should you feel ill.


During the trip

As you’re enjoying your trip, it’s important to maintain your guard when it comes to hygiene. So throughout your holiday you must maintain a social distance of two metres with your guide and the rest of the people in your group, avoid touching anything, continue to frequently wash your hands, and of course, keep wearing the mask in public places.


After the trip

Once your trip has finished, it’s important to monitor your health for the 14 days following your return home. Again, if you have any symptoms related to the coronavirus (fever, persistent cough, difficulty breathing) you should contact your health centre so they can indicate the steps to follow depending on your symptoms.


When can we travel again?

It depends. It’s a question that all travel addicts, like us, are asking: and it doesn’t have just one answer. It depends on many factors, such as your place of origin, your destination, and the current status of COVID-19 in those places and globally, which changes week to week.

Nonetheless, here are some predictions regarding when it might be possible to travel again.


Current Coronavirus Situation

(Updated 27/05/2020)

The COVID-19 illness arose in the Chinese city of Wuhan at the end of 2019, and has now affected more than 4,000,000 people worldwide, costing the lives of 300,000.

Today, precautions are still necessary, as the virus remains very much an active presence in our lives, but little by little, and thanks to the global efforts of everyone in society, we are beginning to control the coronavirus and minimise its impact – as shown in the contagion and death curves around the world.

The current situation regarding the coronavirus differs from country to country, and even within countries, where in many cases the removal of restrictions is taking place asymmetrically and progressively. Therefore, to travel safely it’s important to be informed about the situation in the destination we’re about to visit, and the preventative measures we should employ.


TURISTICO Covid-19 measurements

  • Visits or activities will not exceed 20 people per group
  • The safety distance of 1 meter between clients will be maintained whenever possible.
  • The use of a mask is mandatory. The client must wear his own mask.
  • All the personnel involved (guide, driver, etc.) will wear a mask during the service ( inside)
  • Disinfected radio guides and single-use headphones will be provided.
  • The delivery of printed material such as maps or brochures will be avoided.
  • The temperature and symptoms of all personnel involved in the service will be controlled daily, excluding and keeping in quarantine for 14 days those with fever or symptoms.
  • All the means of transport involved will be disinfected before and after each service and thoroughly washed every 24 hours.
  • The capacity of the means of transport will be reduced to 50 % of its maximum capacity.
  • In monuments, museums or attractions, the capacity will be reduced to 50 % of its maximum allowed capacity.
  • It will be enough to have the voucher or reservation on the mobile and not print it.
  • These measures will be valid, at least, until 31/12/2020


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