Folk dinner

What better way to spend an unforgettable night than enjoying a folklore party? Includes three-course dinner, open bar, live music, dancing and transfers to the hotel.


  • Duration:
  • 3h
  • Language:
  • No language
  • Location:
  • Prague


– Transportation to the restaurant

– Transportation from the restaurant to the hotel

– Three-course dinner

– Free bar of wine, beer, soda and water

– 2.5 hour show with welcome drink

Not Included

– Assistance

Music and folk dance inspired with her beauty and energy to many generations of artists. We invite you to enjoy a typical Czech restaurant, to learn something new, to eat and drink and maybe to sing and dance with the cymbal and other typical instruments music … Come and discover the roots of Czech culture and enjoy an unforgettable night!

Pick up in the hotel.

I want quotation of this program

From which date do you need service?
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What is the specificacion of service you request?
Who is traveling adult group or individuals, hown many persons, name of party etc.?
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